Vineeta Singh, MD

Professor Clinical Neurology

Vineeta Singh specializes in the treatment of patients with stroke, brain and spinal cord injury, encephalopathy, and status epilepticus. She earned her medical degree at Banaras Hindu University in India, where she also completed a medicine residency. Dr. Singh completed a residency in neurology at Allegheny University Hospital in Philadelphia, and a fellowship in Stroke and Neurocritical Care at UCSF Medical Center before joining the medical center staff in 2000 as an active clinician, educator, and researcher. She is board certified in Adult Neurology, Vascular Neurology and Neurocritical Care.

Since 2007, she has been based at San Francisco General Hospital, a Level 1 Trauma Center, caring for patients with life-threatening neurologic disorders in the surgical/trauma ICU. She enjoys the challenge of ensuring that underserved patients with a broad spectrum of primary disorders of the nervous system or neurologic complications of trauma and major systemic illness receive high quality care.

From 2006-11, Dr. Singh directed the UCSF Neurocritical Care Fellowship Program, which was accredited by the UCNS in 2008. She is actively involved in resident and student teaching and was recognized by the UCSF Academy of Medical Educators for Excellence in Direct Teaching in 2012.

Dr. Singh is a recipient of career development award from NIH/NINDS that supported her research on Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas. She has been involved in a number of multicenter human clinical trials of stroke as co-investigator since 1999 and is currently the site-PI for NIH-funded Intracerebral hemorrhage Deferoxamine trial. Dr. Singh is member of several national and international professional societies and a Fellow of American Academy of Neurology, American Neurological Association and American Heart Association.


The correlation of neurosurgery motor examinations with ISNCSCI motor examinations in patients with spinal cord injury: a multicenter TRACK-SCI study.

Journal of neurosurgery. Spine

Lui A, Bonney PA, Burke J, Kanter JH, Yue JK, Takegami N, Tarapore PE, Huang M, Mummaneni PV, Dhall SS, Hemmerle DD, Ferguson AR, Torres-Espin A, Duong-Fernandez X, Lai N, Saigal R, Pan J, Singh V, Kyritsis N, Talbott JF, Pascual LU, Huie JR, Whetstone WD, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS, Weinstein PR, Manley GT, O'Banion LA, Kuo YH, Viljoen S, Grandhi R, Shammassian BH, DiGiorgio AM

254 Initiation of Low Molecular Weight Heparin Within 24 Hours Is Safe and Effective for VTE Prophylaxis in Spinal Cord Injury Patients.


Austin Lui, Timothy Chryssikos, Arati Patel, Christine Park, Abel Torres, Nikolaos Kyritsis, Debra P. Hemmerle, Xuan Duong Fernandez, Rajiv Saigal, Jason Talbott, Jonathan S. Pan, Adam Ferguson, William Whetstone, Vineeta Singh, Philip R. Weinstein, Sanjay S. Dhall, Praveen V. Mummaneni, J. Russell Huie, Lisa U. Pascual, Geoffrey Manley, Jacqueline Bresnahan, Michael Beattie, Anthony Michael DiGiorgio

ATF3 is a neuron-specific biomarker for spinal cord injury and ischaemic stroke.

Clinical and translational medicine

Pan JZ, Wang Z, Sun W, Pan P, Li W, Sun Y, Chen S, Lin A, Tan W, He L, Greene J, Yao V, An L, Liang R, Li Q, Yu J, Zhang L, Kyritsis N, Fernandez XD, Moncivais S, Mendoza E, Fung P, Wang G, Niu X, Du Q, Xiao Z, Chang Y, Lv P, Huie JR, Torres-Espin A, Ferguson AR, Hemmerle DD, Talbott JF, Weinstein PR, Pascual LU, Singh V, DiGiorgio AM, Saigal R, Whetstone WD, Manley GT, Dhall SS, Bresnahan JC, Maze M, Jiang X, Singhal NS, Beattie MS, Su H, Guan Z

Classification of traumatic injury to the dural venous sinus using CT venography.

Journal of neuroimaging : official journal of the American Society of Neuroimaging

Schwartz DA, Talbott J, Callen A, Laguna B, Narvid J, Ch'ang JH, Singh V

Safety and comparative efficacy of initiating low-molecular-weight heparin within 24 hours of injury or surgery for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in patients with spinal cord injury: a prospective TRACK-SCI registry study.

Neurosurgical focus

Lui A, Park C, Chryssikos T, Radabaugh H, Patel A, Aabedi AA, Ferguson AR, Torres Espin A, Mummaneni PV, Dhall SS, Duong-Fernandez X, Saigal R, Chou A, Pan J, Singh V, Hemmerle DD, Kyritsis N, Talbott JF, Pascual LU, Huie JR, Whetstone WD, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS, Weinstein PR, Manley GT, DiGiorgio AM

188 American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) Impairment Scale (AIS) Conversion Underestimates Neurological Recovery Following Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury.


Winward Choy, Nikolaos Kyritsis, Xuan Duong Fernandez, Adam Ferguson, Debra P. Hemmerle, Lisa U. Pascual, Vineeta Singh, Jason Talbott, Jonathan Pan, Abel Torres, William Whetstone, J. Russell Huie, Kenneth Fond, Anastasia Keller, Jacqueline Bresnahan, Michael Beattie, Anthony Michael DiGiorgio, Sanjay S. Dhall, Rajiv Saigal

Hypotension requiring vasopressor treatment and increased cardiac complications in elderly spinal cord injury patients: a prospective TRACK-SCI registry study.

Journal of neurosurgery. Spine

Agarwal N, Blitstein J, Lui A, Torres-Espin A, Vasnarungruengkul C, Burke J, Mummaneni PV, Dhall SS, Weinstein PR, Duong-Fernandez X, Chou A, Pan J, Singh V, Ferguson AR, Hemmerle DD, Kyritsis N, Talbott JF, Whetstone WD, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS, Manley GT, DiGiorgio A

Development and Results of the First Certification Examination in the American Board of Medical Specialties Neurocritical Care Subspecialty.

Neurocritical care

Lewis SL, Shen L, Juul D, Rabinstein A, Singh V, Li I, O'Brien K, Faulkner LR

Decision tree-based machine learning analysis of intraoperative vasopressor use to optimize neurological improvement in acute spinal cord injury.

Neurosurgical focus

Agarwal N, Aabedi AA, Torres-Espin A, Chou A, Wozny TA, Mummaneni PV, Burke JF, Ferguson AR, Kyritsis N, Dhall SS, Weinstein PR, Duong-Fernandez X, Pan J, Singh V, Hemmerle DD, Talbott JF, Whetstone WD, Bresnahan JC, Manley GT, Beattie MS, DiGiorgio AM

Spinal cord injury in sexual and gender minority individuals.

The journal of spinal cord medicine

Rosendale N, Singh V

Assessing and Addressing Cardiovascular Health in People Who Are Transgender and Gender Diverse: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association.


Streed CG, Beach LB, Caceres BA, Dowshen NL, Moreau KL, Mukherjee M, Poteat T, Radix A, Reisner SL, Singh V, American Heart Association Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease; Council on Arteriosclerosis, Thro

Diagnostic blood RNA profiles for human acute spinal cord injury.

The Journal of experimental medicine

Kyritsis N, Torres-Espín A, Schupp PG, Huie JR, Chou A, Duong-Fernandez X, Thomas LH, Tsolinas RE, Hemmerle DD, Pascual LU, Singh V, Pan JZ, Talbott JF, Whetstone WD, Burke JF, DiGiorgio AM, Weinstein PR, Manley GT, Dhall SS, Ferguson AR, Oldham MC, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS

Neurovascular physiology and neurocritical care.

Handbook of clinical neurology

Singh V, Cheng R

Atlas-based Volumetric Analysis of Blunt Spinal Cord Contusion Injury.


John F Burke, Nikhil Mummaneni, Adam Ferguson, J. Russell Huie, Leigh H Thomas, Lisa Pascual, Anthony M DiGiorgio, Debra P Hemmerle, Vineeta Singh, Abel Torres, Nikolaos Kyritsis, Philip R Weinstein, William Whetstone, Sanjay S Dhall, Xuan Duong Fernandez, Michael Beattie, Jacqueline Bresnahan, Jason Talbott

Injury volume extracted from MRI predicts neurologic outcome in acute spinal cord injury: A prospective TRACK-SCI pilot study.

Journal of clinical neuroscience : official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia

Mummaneni N, Burke JF, DiGiorgio AM, Thomas LH, Duong-Fernandez X, Harris M, Pascual LU, Ferguson AR, Russell Huie J, Pan JZ, Hemmerle DD, Singh V, Torres-Espin A, Omondi C, Kyritsis N, Weinstein PR, Whetstone WD, Manley GT, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS, Cohen-Adad J, Dhall SS, Talbott JF

Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge in Spinal Cord Injury (TRACK-SCI): an overview of initial enrollment and demographics.

Neurosurgical focus

Tsolinas RE, Burke JF, DiGiorgio AM, Thomas LH, Duong-Fernandez X, Harris MH, Yue JK, Winkler EA, Suen CG, Pascual LU, Ferguson AR, Huie JR, Pan JZ, Hemmerle DD, Singh V, Torres-Espin A, Omondi C, Kyritsis N, Haefeli J, Weinstein PR, de Almeida Neto CA, Kuo YH, Taggard D, Talbott JF, Whetstone WD, Manley GT, Bresnahan JC, Beattie MS, Dhall SS

Clinical Implementation of Novel Spinal Cord Perfusion Pressure Protocol in Acute Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury at U.S. Level I Trauma Center: TRACK-SCI Study.

World neurosurgery

Yue JK, Hemmerle DD, Winkler EA, Thomas LH, Fernandez XD, Kyritsis N, Pan JZ, Pascual LU, Singh V, Weinstein PR, Talbott JF, Huie JR, Ferguson AR, Whetstone WD, Manley GT, Beattie MS, Bresnahan JC, Mummaneni PV, Dhall SS

Initial Experience of Spinal Cord Perfusion Pressure Goals in Lieu of Mean Arterial Pressure Goals in Acute Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury at a United States Level I Trauma Center: A Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge-Spinal Cord Injury Study.


John K Yue, Debra P Hemmerle, Hansen Deng, Ethan A Winkler, Leigh H Thomas, Xuan Duong Fernandez, Pavan S Upadhyayula, Nikolaos Kyritsis, Lisa U Pascual, Vineeta Singh, Philip R Weinstein, Jason Talbott, J Russell Huie, Adam Ferguson, William Whetstone, Geoffrey T Manley, Michael Beattie, Jacqueline Bresnahan, Praveen V Mummaneni, Sanjay S Dhall

Neurologic Emergencies Presenting as Trauma Activations to an Urban Level I Trauma Center.

The Journal of emergency medicine

Madhok DY, Diaz MA, Darger BF, Wybourn C, Singh V

Convolutional Neural Network-Based Automated Segmentation of the Spinal Cord and Contusion Injury: Deep Learning Biomarker Correlates of Motor Impairment in Acute Spinal Cord Injury.

AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology

McCoy DB, Dupont SM, Gros C, Cohen-Adad J, Huie RJ, Ferguson A, Duong-Fernandez X, Thomas LH, Singh V, Narvid J, Pascual L, Kyritsis N, Beattie MS, Bresnahan JC, Dhall S, Whetstone W, Talbott JF

Deferoxamine mesylate in patients with intracerebral haemorrhage (i-DEF): a multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind phase 2 trial.

The Lancet. Neurology

Selim M, Foster LD, Moy CS, Xi G, Hill MD, Morgenstern LB, Greenberg SM, James ML, Singh V, Clark WM, Norton C, Palesch YY, Yeatts SD

Value of aggressive surgical and intensive care unit in elderly patients with traumatic spinal cord injury.

Neurosurgical focus

Lau D, Dalle Ore CL, Tarapore PE, Huang M, Manley G, Singh V, Mummaneni PV, Beattie M, Bresnahan J, Ferguson AR, Talbott JF, Whetstone W, Dhall SS

Stroke Risk and Vascular Dementia in South Asians.

Current atherosclerosis reports

Singh V, Dhamoon MS, Alladi S

Data-Driven Comparison Of Acute Imaging Biomarkers For Spinal Cord Injury: A Prospective TRACK-SCI Pilot Study (S42.006).


J. Russell Huie, Jason Talbott, Vineeta Singh, Xuan Duong Fernandez, Rachel Tsolinas, Lisa Pascual, Jonathan Pan, Nikolaos Kyritsis, Dolores Torres, Michael Beattie, Jacqueline Bresnahan, Adam Ferguson, Sanjay Dhall, William Whetstone

Frequency and characteristics associated with inherited thrombophilia in patients with intracranial dural arteriovenous fistula.

Journal of neurosurgery

LaHue SC, Kim H, Pawlikowska L, Nelson J, Cooke DL, Hetts SW, Singh V


Critical care medicine

Vineeta Singh, J. Russell Huie, Dolores Torres, Adam Ferguson, Michael Beattie, Jacqueline Bresnahan, Jonathan Pan, Lisa Pascual, Jason Talbott, Rachel Tsolinas, Xuan Fernandez, William Whetstone, Sanjay Dhall, Phil Weinstein

Critical Care of Acute Stroke

Journal of the Indian Medical Association

Singh V. and Vaishnav A.

Advances in the Management of Coagulopathy in Traumatic Brain Injury

Austin J Cerebrovasc Dis & Stroke.

Cheng R. and Singh V.

Poster 466: Prospective Determination of Clinical Neurologic Level of Injury with Early MRI Following Blunt Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury.


Lisa U. Pascual, J. Russell Huie, William D. Whetstone, Sanjay S. Dhall, Geoffrey T. Manley, Jacqueline C. Bresnahan, Michael S. Beattie, Vineeta Singh, Adam R. Ferguson, Rachel E. Tsolinas, Jason F. Talbott

An Examination of Stroke Risk and Burden in South Asians.

Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association

Singh V, Prabhakaran S, Chaturvedi S, Singhal A, Pandian J

Collaborative Interventions Reduce Time-to-Thrombolysis for Acute Ischemic Stroke in a Public Safety Net Hospital.

Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association

Threlkeld ZD, Kozak B, McCoy D, Cole S, Martin C, Singh V

Thrombolysis in Real Time: Demonstration of Revascularization with Intravenous Thrombolysis Therapy in the CT Scanner.

Journal of neuroimaging : official journal of the American Society of Neuroimaging

Tan J, Aysenne A, Singh V

Portable infrared pupillometry in critical care.

Critical care (London, England)

Larson MD, Singh V

Correlates of functional outcome among stroke survivors in a developing country--a prospective community-based study from India.

Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association

Ghosal MK, Burman P, Singh V, Das S, Paul N, Ray BK, Hazra A, Banerjee TK, Basu A, Chaudhuri A, Das SK

Guidelines for the prevention of stroke in women: a statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association.


Bushnell C, McCullough LD, Awad IA, Chireau MV, Fedder WN, Furie KL, Howard VJ, Lichtman JH, Lisabeth LD, Piña IL, Reeves MJ, Rexrode KM, Saposnik G, Singh V, Towfighi A, Vaccarino V, Walters MR

Assessment of a noninvasive cerebral oxygenation monitor in patients with severe traumatic brain injury.

Journal of neurosurgery

Rosenthal G, Furmanov A, Itshayek E, Shoshan Y, Singh V

Bilateral cervical spinal dural arteriovenous fistulas with intracranial venous drainage mimicking a foramen magnum dural arteriovenous fistula.

Interventional neuroradiology : journal of peritherapeutic neuroradiology, surgical procedures and related neurosciences

Hetts SW, English JD, Stiver SI, Singh V, Yee EJ, Cooke DL, Halbach VV

Advances in the critical care management of ischemic stroke.

Stroke research and treatment

Singh V, Edwards NJ

Early and delayed fatality of stroke in Kolkata, India: results from a 7-year longitudinal population-based study.

Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association

Ray BK, Hazra A, Ghosal M, Banerjee T, Chaudhuri A, Singh V, Das SK

Role of Chlamydia pneumoniae in Pediatric Acute Ischemic Stroke: A hospital based study

Journal of Pediatric Neurology

Bandaru VCS, Babu D, Singh V, Akhila B, Laxmi V, Neeraja M, Kumar BA, Reddy GR, Jyotsna Y, Kaul S

Ten-year detection rate of brain arteriovenous malformations in a large, multiethnic, defined population.


Gabriel RA, Kim H, Sidney S, McCulloch CE, Singh V, Johnston SC, Ko NU, Achrol AS, Zaroff JG, Young WL

Clinical presentation and long-term outcome of cerebral venous thrombosis.

Neurocritical care

English JD, Fields JD, Le S, Singh V

Risk factors for hemorrhagic presentation in patients with dural arteriovenous fistulae.


Singh V, Smith WS, Lawton MT, Halbach VV, Young WL

Brief ischemia causes long-term depression in midbrain dopamine neurons.

The European journal of neuroscience

Singh V, Carman M, Roeper J, Bonci A

Racial/Ethnic differences in longitudinal risk of intracranial hemorrhage in brain arteriovenous malformation patients.


Kim H, Sidney S, McCulloch CE, Poon KY, Singh V, Johnston SC, Ko NU, Achrol AS, Lawton MT, Higashida RT, Young WL

Cocaine enhances NMDA receptor-mediated currents in ventral tegmental area cells via dopamine D5 receptor-dependent redistribution of NMDA receptors.

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience

Schilström B, Yaka R, Argilli E, Suvarna N, Schumann J, Chen BT, Carman M, Singh V, Mailliard WS, Ron D, Bonci A

Co-occurrence of a cavernous malformation and contralateral moyamoya.


Kerchner GA, Smith W, Lawton MT, Singh V

Long-term outcome of endovascular stenting for symptomatic basilar artery stenosis.


Yu W, Smith WS, Singh V, Ko NU, Cullen SP, Dowd CF, Halbach VV, Higashida RT

Longitudinal risk of intracranial hemorrhage in patients with arteriovenous malformation of the brain within a defined population.


Halim AX, Johnston SC, Singh V, McCulloch CE, Bennett JP, Achrol AS, Sidney S, Young WL

Critical Care Assessment and Management of Acute Ischemic Stroke.

Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology

Vineeta Singh

Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage due to coagulation disorders.

Neurosurgical focus

Quinones-Hinojosa A, Gulati M, Singh V, Lawton MT

Distinguishing intracerebral hemorrhages caused by arteriovenous malformations.

Cerebrovascular diseases (Basel, Switzerland)

Ko NU, Johnston SC, Young WL, Singh V, Klatsky AL

The learning curve for coil embolization of unruptured intracranial aneurysms.

AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology

Singh V, Gress DR, Higashida RT, Dowd CF, Halbach VV, Johnston SC

Characteristics of brain arteriovenous malformations with coexisting aneurysms: a comparison of two referral centers.


Halim AX, Singh V, Johnston SC, Higashida RT, Dowd CF, Halbach VV, Lawton MT, Gress DR, McCulloch CE, Young WL

Dural arteriovenous fistula associated with prothrombin gene mutation.

Journal of neuroimaging : official journal of the American Society of Neuroimaging

Singh V, Meyers PM, Halbach VH, Gress DR, Higashida RT, Dowd CF, Smith WS

Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography in the neurologic intensive care unit.

Neurology India

Singh V, McCartney JP, Hemphill JC

Stroke prevention.

Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America

Gress DR, Singh V

Stroke recurrence in diabetics. Does control of blood glucose reduce risk?


Alter M, Lai SM, Friday G, Singh V, Kumar VM, Sobel E