Paul Garcia, MD

Prof of Clinical Neurology
+1 415 353-2437

I am a neurologist specializing in the treatment of epilepsy. Much of my professional life has been dedicated to building the clinical programs of the UCSF Epilepsy Center. My research is aimed at improving the diagnosis and treatment of people with hard-to-treat epilepsy. My teaching is centered on clinical epilepsy education for fellows, residents and students. My university service has been focused on assuring opportunity for students and faculty across the campus. In my role as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, I am involved with academic review and faculty development for the School of Medicine.


Influences of electrode density on intracranial seizure localisation: a single-blinded randomised crossover study.


Chinedu-Eneh EO, Chiang S, Andrews JP, Tadayon E, Fan JM, Garcia PA, Gonzalez-Giraldo E, Hegde M, Hullett P, Rao VR, Knowlton RC, Chang EF, Kleen JK

The imprint of dissociative seizures on the brain.

NeuroImage. Clinical

Mueller SG, Garga N, Garcia P, Rossi S, Vu A, Neylan T, Laxer KD

Surgical outcomes following resection in patients with language dominant posterior quadrant epilepsy.

Epilepsy & behavior reports

Saggi S, Garcia JH, Behzadi F, Mallela AN, Garcia PA, Chang EF, Knowlton RC

Abnormal gamma phase-amplitude coupling in the parahippocampal cortex is associated with network hyperexcitability in Alzheimer's disease.

Brain communications

Prabhu P, Morise H, Kudo K, Beagle A, Mizuiri D, Syed F, Kotegar KA, Findlay A, Miller BL, Kramer JH, Rankin KP, Garcia PA, Kirsch HE, Vossel K, Nagarajan SS, Ranasinghe KG

An Innovative Faculty Travel Award Program to Support Child, Elder, or Dependent Care.

JAMA pediatrics

Fuentes-Afflick E, García P, Friedli AB, Johnson B, Binder R

Factors associated with preoperative and postoperative seizures in patients undergoing resection of brain metastases.

Journal of neurosurgery

Garcia JH, Morshed RA, Chung J, Millares Chavez MA, Sudhakar V, Saggi S, Avalos LN, Gallagher A, Young JS, Daras M, McDermott MW, Garcia PA, Chang EF, Aghi MK

Impact of COVID-19 on Medical School Faculty.

Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry

Binder R, Garcia P, Friedli A, Fuentes-Afflick E

Neuronal synchrony abnormalities associated with subclinical epileptiform activity in early onset Alzheimer's disease.

Brain : a journal of neurology

Ranasinghe KG, Kudo K, Hinkley L, Beagle A, Lerner H, Mizuiri D, Findlay A, Miller BL, Kramer JH, Gorno-Tempini ML, Rabinovici GD, Rankin KP, Garcia PA, Kirsch HE, Vossel KA, Nagarajan SS

The SANTÉ study at 10 years of follow-up: Effectiveness, safety, and sudden unexpected death in epilepsy.


Salanova V, Sperling MR, Gross RE, Irwin CP, Vollhaber JA, Giftakis JE, Fisher RS, SANTÉ Study Group

Direct and indirect costs associated with stereotactic radiosurgery or open surgery for medial temporal lobe epilepsy: Results from the ROSE trial.


Langfitt JT, Quigg M, Yan G, Yu W, Ward MM, Barbaro NM, Chang EF, Broshek DK, Laxer KD, Cole AJ, Sneed PK, Hess C, Tripathi M, Heck CN, Miller JW, Garcia PA, McEvoy A, Fountain NB, Salanova V, Knowlton RC, Bagic A, Henry T, Kapoor S, McKhann G, Palade AE, Reuber M, Tecoma E

Sexual Harassment in Medical Schools: The Challenge of Covert Retaliation as a Barrier to Reporting.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Binder R, Garcia P, Johnson B, Fuentes-Afflick E

Visual field defects after radiosurgery versus temporal lobectomy for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: Findings of the ROSE trial.


Quigg M, Barbaro NM, Ward MM, Chang EF, Broshek DK, Langfitt JT, Yan G, Laxer KD, Cole AJ, Sneed PK, Hess CP, Yu W, Newman SA, Mueller S, Tripathi M, Heck CN, Miller JW, Garcia PA, McEvoy A, Fountain NB, Salanova V, Knowlton RC, Bagic A, Henry T, Kapoor S, McKhann G, Palade AE, Reuber M, Tecoma E

Radiosurgery versus open surgery for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: The randomized, controlled ROSE trial.


Barbaro NM, Quigg M, Ward MM, Chang EF, Broshek DK, Langfitt JT, Yan G, Laxer KD, Cole AJ, Sneed PK, Hess CP, Yu W, Tripathi M, Heck CN, Miller JW, Garcia PA, McEvoy A, Fountain NB, Salanova V, Knowlton RC, Bagic A, Henry T, Kapoor S, McKhann G, Palade AE, Reuber M, Tecoma E

Radiation-induced Cavernous Malformation as a Late Sequelae of Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Epilepsy.


Winkler EA, Rutledge C, Ward M, Tihan T, Sneed PK, Barbaro N, Garcia P, McDermott M, Chang EF

Identifying and Mitigating Risk of Violence in the Scientific Workplace.

The journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law

Binder R, Garcia P, Johnson B, Fuentes-Afflick E

Memory and mood outcomes after anterior thalamic stimulation for refractory partial epilepsy.


Tröster AI, Meador KJ, Irwin CP, Fisher RS, SANTE Study Group

Incidence and impact of subclinical epileptiform activity in Alzheimer's disease.

Annals of neurology

Vossel KA, Ranasinghe KG, Beagle AJ, Mizuiri D, Honma SM, Dowling AF, Darwish SM, Van Berlo V, Barnes DE, Mantle M, Karydas AM, Coppola G, Roberson ED, Miller BL, Garcia PA, Kirsch HE, Mucke L, Nagarajan SS

Timing and significance of pathological features in C9orf72 expansion-associated frontotemporal dementia.

Brain : a journal of neurology

Vatsavayai SC, Yoon SJ, Gardner RC, Gendron TF, Vargas JN, Trujillo A, Pribadi M, Phillips JJ, Gaus SE, Hixson JD, Garcia PA, Rabinovici GD, Coppola G, Geschwind DH, Petrucelli L, Miller BL, Seeley WW

Corpus callosotomy versus vagus nerve stimulation for atonic seizures and drop attacks: A systematic review.

Epilepsy & behavior : E&B

Rolston JD, Englot DJ, Wang DD, Garcia PA, Chang EF

Long-term efficacy and safety of thalamic stimulation for drug-resistant partial epilepsy.


Salanova V, Witt T, Worth R, Henry TR, Gross RE, Nazzaro JM, Labar D, Sperling MR, Sharan A, Sandok E, Handforth A, Stern JM, Chung S, Henderson JM, French J, Baltuch G, Rosenfeld WE, Garcia P, Barbaro NM, Fountain NB, Elias WJ, Goodman RR, Pollard JR, Tröster AI, Irwin CP, Lambrecht K, Graves N, Fisher R

Factors associated with failed focal neocortical epilepsy surgery.


Englot DJ, Raygor KP, Molinaro AM, Garcia PA, Knowlton RC, Auguste KI, Chang EF

Enzyme-inducing anticonvulsants increase plasma clearance of dexmedetomidine: a pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study.


Flexman AM, Wong H, Riggs KW, Shih T, Garcia PA, Vacas S, Talke PO

Seizure types and frequency in patients who "fail" temporal lobectomy for intractable epilepsy.


Englot DJ, Lee AT, Tsai C, Halabi C, Barbaro NM, Auguste KI, Garcia PA, Chang EF

Quinacrine treatment trial for sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.


Geschwind MD, Kuo AL, Wong KS, Haman A, Devereux G, Raudabaugh BJ, Johnson DY, Torres-Chae CC, Finley R, Garcia P, Thai JN, Cheng HQ, Neuhaus JM, Forner SA, Duncan JL, Possin KL, Dearmond SJ, Prusiner SB, Miller BL

Seizures and epileptiform activity in the early stages of Alzheimer disease.

JAMA neurology

Vossel KA, Beagle AJ, Rabinovici GD, Shu H, Lee SE, Naasan G, Hegde M, Cornes SB, Henry ML, Nelson AB, Seeley WW, Geschwind MD, Gorno-Tempini ML, Shih T, Kirsch HE, Garcia PA, Miller BL, Mucke L

Distinguishing language and race disparities in epilepsy surgery.

Epilepsy & behavior : E&B

Betjemann JP, Thompson AC, Santos-Sánchez C, Garcia PA, Ivey SL

Visual field defects after radiosurgery for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy.


Hensley-Judge H, Quigg M, Barbaro NM, Newman SA, Ward MM, Chang EF, Broshek DK, Lamborn KR, Laxer KD, Garcia P, Heck CN, Kondziolka D, Beach R, Salanova V, Goodman R

Exaggerated phase-amplitude coupling in the primary motor cortex in Parkinson disease.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

de Hemptinne C, Ryapolova-Webb ES, Air EL, Garcia PA, Miller KJ, Ojemann JG, Ostrem JL, Galifianakis NB, Starr PA

Transmantle sign in focal cortical dysplasia: a unique radiological entity with excellent prognosis for seizure control.

Journal of neurosurgery

Wang DD, Deans AE, Barkovich AJ, Tihan T, Barbaro NM, Garcia PA, Chang EF

Differential diagnosis of Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease.

Archives of neurology

Paterson RW, Torres-Chae CC, Kuo AL, Ando T, Nguyen EA, Wong K, DeArmond SJ, Haman A, Garcia P, Johnson DY, Miller BL, Geschwind MD

Seizure exacerbation in two patients with focal epilepsy following marijuana cessation.

Epilepsy & behavior : E&B

Hegde M, Santos-Sanchez C, Hess CP, Kabir AA, Garcia PA

Relationship between hospital surgical volume, lobectomy rates, and adverse perioperative events at US epilepsy centers.

Journal of neurosurgery

Englot DJ, Ouyang D, Wang DD, Rolston JD, Garcia PA, Chang EF

Long-term seizure control outcomes after resection of gangliogliomas.


Southwell DG, Garcia PA, Berger MS, Barbaro NM, Chang EF

Minocycline- and tetracycline-class antibiotics are protective against partial seizures in vivo.

Epilepsy & behavior : E&B

Wang DD, Englot DJ, Garcia PA, Lawton MT, Young WL

Clinical overlap between Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease and Lewy body disease.

The Canadian journal of neurological sciences. Le journal canadien des sciences neurologiques

Tartaglia MC, Johnson DY, Thai JN, Cattaruzza T, Wong K, Garcia P, Dearmond SJ, Miller BL, Geschwind MD

Characteristics and treatment of seizures in patients with high-grade glioma: a review.

Neurosurgery clinics of North America

Englot DJ, Berger MS, Chang EF, Garcia PA

Epilepsy surgery trends in the United States, 1990-2008.


Englot DJ, Ouyang D, Garcia PA, Barbaro NM, Chang EF

Impact of methodologic choice for automatic detection of different aspects of brain atrophy by using temporal lobe epilepsy as a model.

AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology

Scanlon C, Mueller SG, Tosun D, Cheong I, Garcia P, Barakos J, Weiner MW, Laxer KD

Predictors of seizure freedom after surgery for malformations of cortical development.

Annals of neurology

Chang EF, Wang DD, Barkovich AJ, Tihan T, Auguste KI, Sullivan JE, Garcia PA, Barbaro NM

Different structural correlates for verbal memory impairment in temporal lobe epilepsy with and without mesial temporal lobe sclerosis.

Human brain mapping

Mueller SG, Laxer KD, Scanlon C, Garcia P, McMullen WJ, Loring DW, Meador KJ, Weiner MW

Widespread extrahippocampal NAA/(Cr+Cho) abnormalities in TLE with and without mesial temporal sclerosis.

Journal of neurology

Mueller SG, Ebel A, Barakos J, Scanlon C, Cheong I, Finlay D, Garcia P, Weiner MW, Laxer KD

Electrical stimulation of the anterior nucleus of thalamus for treatment of refractory epilepsy.


Fisher R, Salanova V, Witt T, Worth R, Henry T, Gross R, Oommen K, Osorio I, Nazzaro J, Labar D, Kaplitt M, Sperling M, Sandok E, Neal J, Handforth A, Stern J, DeSalles A, Chung S, Shetter A, Bergen D, Bakay R, Henderson J, French J, Baltuch G, Rosenfeld W, Youkilis A, Marks W, Garcia P, Barbaro N, Fountain N, Bazil C, Goodman R, McKhann G, Babu Krishnamurthy K, Papavassiliou S, Epstein C, Pollard J, Tonder L, Grebin J, Coffey R, Graves N

Predictors of efficacy after stereotactic radiosurgery for medial temporal lobe epilepsy.


Chang EF, Quigg M, Oh MC, Dillon WP, Ward MM, Laxer KD, Broshek DK, Barbaro NM

Seizure control outcomes after resection of dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor in 50 patients.

Journal of neurosurgery. Pediatrics

Chang EF, Christie C, Sullivan JE, Garcia PA, Tihan T, Gupta N, Berger MS, Barbaro NM

Characteristics of auras in patients undergoing temporal lobectomy.

Journal of neurosurgery

Binder DK, Garcia PA, Elangovan GK, Barbaro NM

Involvement of the thalamocortical network in TLE with and without mesiotemporal sclerosis.


Mueller SG, Laxer KD, Barakos J, Cheong I, Finlay D, Garcia P, Cardenas-Nicolson V, Weiner MW

Seizure characteristics and control after microsurgical resection of supratentorial cerebral cavernous malformations.


Chang EF, Gabriel RA, Potts MB, Garcia PA, Barbaro NM, Lawton MT

Widespread neocortical abnormalities in temporal lobe epilepsy with and without mesial sclerosis.


Mueller SG, Laxer KD, Barakos J, Cheong I, Garcia P, Weiner MW

A multicenter, prospective pilot study of gamma knife radiosurgery for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy: seizure response, adverse events, and verbal memory.

Annals of neurology

Barbaro NM, Quigg M, Broshek DK, Ward MM, Lamborn KR, Laxer KD, Larson DA, Dillon W, Verhey L, Garcia P, Steiner L, Heck C, Kondziolka D, Beach R, Olivero W, Witt TC, Salanova V, Goodman R

Correlating DWI MRI with pathologic and other features of Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease.

Alzheimer disease and associated disorders

Geschwind MD, Potter CA, Sattavat M, Garcia PA, Rosen HJ, Miller BL, DeArmond SJ

Dexmedetomidine does not reduce epileptiform discharges in adults with epilepsy.

Journal of neurosurgical anesthesiology

Talke P, Stapelfeldt C, Garcia P

Limitations of Wada memory asymmetry as a predictor of outcomes after temporal lobectomy.


Kirsch HE, Walker JA, Winstanley FS, Hendrickson R, Wong ST, Barbaro NM, Laxer KD, Garcia PA

Surgery for heterotopia: a second look.

Epilepsy currents

Garcia PA

Magnetoencephalography source localization and surgical outcome in temporal lobe epilepsy.

Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology

Assaf BA, Karkar KM, Laxer KD, Garcia PA, Austin EJ, Barbaro NM, Aminoff MJ

Ictal magnetoencephalography in temporal and extratemporal lobe epilepsy.


Assaf BA, Karkar KM, Laxer KD, Garcia PA, Austin EJ, Barbaro NM, Aminoff MJ

Differential cognitive and behavioral effects of topiramate and valproate.


Meador KJ, Loring DW, Hulihan JF, Kamin M, Karim R

Potentially misleading extratemporal lobe lesions in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy.

Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry

Alsaadi TM, Bateman LM, Laxer KD, Barbaro NM, Austin EJ, Garcia PA

Zonisamide-induced restless legs syndrome.


Chen JT, Garcia PA, Alldredge BK

Focal cooling suppresses spontaneous epileptiform activity without changing the cortical motor threshold.


Karkar KM, Garcia PA, Bateman LM, Smyth MD, Barbaro NM, Berger M

Incidence and mortality of generalized convulsive status epilepticus in California.


Wu YW, Shek DW, Garcia PA, Zhao S, Johnston SC

False lateralization by subdural electrodes in two patients with temporal lobe epilepsy.


Alsaadi TM, Laxer KD, Barbaro NM, Marks WJ, Garcia PA

Vagus nerve stimulation for the treatment of bilateral independent temporal lobe epilepsy.


Alsaadi TM, Laxer KD, Barbaro NM, Marks WJ, Garcia PA

Management of seizures and epilepsy.

American family physician

Marks WJ, Garcia PA

Correlation of seizure frequency with N-acetyl-aspartate levels determined by 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging.

Magnetic resonance imaging

Garcia PA, Laxer KD, van der Grond J, Hugg JW, Matson GB, Weiner MW

Magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

Neuroimaging clinics of North America

Garcia PA, Laxer KD

Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging in patients with frontal lobe epilepsy.

Annals of neurology

Garcia PA, Laxer KD, van der Grond J, Hugg JW, Matson GB, Weiner MW

Application of spectroscopic imaging in epilepsy.

Magnetic resonance imaging

Garcia PA, Laxer KD, Ng T

Drug-induced seizures.

Neurologic clinics

Garcia PA, Alldredge BK

Phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging in patients with frontal lobe epilepsy.

Annals of neurology

Garcia PA, Laxer KD, van der Grond J, Hugg JW, Matson GB, Weiner MW

Neurological reactions in HIV-infected patients treated with trichosanthin.

Neuropathology and applied neurobiology

Garcia PA, Bredesen DE, Vinters HV, Graefin von Einsiedel R, Williams RL, Kahn JO, Byers VS, Levin AS, Waites LA, Messing RO