
Rabin Color Cone Contrast Testing and Retinal Structure in Multiple Sclerosis (P3.227).


Arnow Samuel, Hao Yiu, Christopher Songster, Denise Bolivar, Jeffrey Gelfand, Ari Green

Endothelial function and CNS measures in primary HIV infection pre-and post early ART (P2.314).


Sebastian Urday, Zaina Zayyad, Julia Peterson, Felicia Chow, Kevin Robertson, Richard Price, Priscilla Hsue, Serena Spudich

Full medical support for intracerebral hemorrhage.


Morgenstern LB, Zahuranec DB, Sánchez BN, Becker KJ, Geraghty M, Hughes R, Norris G, Hemphill JC

Long-term efficacy and safety of thalamic stimulation for drug-resistant partial epilepsy.


Salanova V, Witt T, Worth R, Henry TR, Gross RE, Nazzaro JM, Labar D, Sperling MR, Sharan A, Sandok E, Handforth A, Stern JM, Chung S, Henderson JM, French J, Baltuch G, Rosenfeld WE, Garcia P, Barbaro NM, Fountain NB, Elias WJ, Goodman RR, Pollard JR, Tröster AI, Irwin CP, Lambrecht K, Graves N, Fisher R

Mystery case: cerebral amyloid angiopathy-related inflammation.


Berkowitz AL, Baker JM, Miller JJ, Greenberg SM

Clinical Reasoning: a 75-year-old man with 3 years of visual difficulties.


Berkowitz AL, Rose MF, Daffner KR, Prasad S

Neurology mission(s) impossible.


Berkowitz AL

Elevated rates of intracerebral hemorrhage in individuals from a US clinical care HIV cohort.


Chow FC, He W, Bacchetti P, Regan S, Feske SK, Meigs JB, Grinspoon SK, Triant VA
